This course discusses care strategies for assisting diverse client groups such as clients with a mental health diagnosis and clients with developmental delays and physical disabilities.

Graduates who become employed in home care situations may have the opportunity to work with families to provide care for infants and children, as well as caring for clients living with life-limiting illness, and who could benefit from hospice, palliative, and end-of-life care. Information and skills to assist with these care assignments are provided in this course.

Each module will give you the opportunity to practice the common words and phrases used when discussing care for diverse client groups. In addition, there will be opportunities to read from the textbook, in Sorrentino’s textbook for the support worker (5th edition), complete learning activities, practice skills in a lab setting, and participate in practice exams.

Upon completion of this course, you will be prepared to work with a diverse client group in a variety of care settings.