During this course, you will learn the basic care skills that will allow you to give safe and efficient care to your clients. Providing personal grooming and hygiene care to your clients is an intimate and highly personal experience. During the theory and lab elements of this course, you will learn to approach this care in a professional and compassionate manner.

Safe lifting and transferring techniques are important for client and staff comfort and safety. Opportunities to practise safe lifting, transferring, and client positioning will be provided for in both lab and practicum settings.

Many of the clients you will be providing care for are unable to control their bladder and bowels; as a result, they use adult incontinence briefs. Other clients are unable to reach the toilet or commode on their own. You will learn a professional, caring, and compassionate approach to assisting clients with their elimination needs.

Mealtimes are a traditional time for friends and families to gather and enjoy both good food and good company. This course will teach the principles of safely assisting clients to eat and provide guidelines for creating a safe, clean, and socially inviting dining environment.


Throughout this course, you will use the Health Care Aide Provincial Curriculum, Learner Guide, the Lab Skills Guide, and your Sorrentino’s textbook for the Support Worker (5th ed.), Workbook to Accompany Sorrentino’s Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker (5th ed.) and Sorrentino’s Canadian Clinical Skills: Skills for Personal Support Workers at https://evolve.elsevier.com .